Tips To Improve Your AC Cooling For A Comfortable Drive
May, 12 2023The air conditioning system in the car is one of the most useful inventions that have ever been made in the automobile industry. The hot weather has arrived and undoubtedly now is the time for most people to go on vacation. It is also an indication to properly maintain the aircon unit before taking your car to the road. How uncomfortable it would be to drive without a properly functioning AC in scorching heat. If the air conditioner of your automobile is not blowing enough cool air, bring it to our trusted Perthcarservice shop for customized repair services. Read this brief guideline to keep your car AC well-maintained!
Tips to Improve Your AC Cooling For a Comfortable Drive
The air conditioning system doesn’t only help with our comfort but also protects us from heat-related illnesses like heatstroke and heat exhaustion. Want to avail a comfortable driving experience this summer? Below are given leading measures that you should take to improve the performance of your vehicle aircon unit, reducing the breakdown chances.
Run Your Aircon on Defrost Mode
It is recommended to run your vehicle AC on the defrost mode one time a week for over ten minutes at the maximum coolest settings. Remember the air conditioning system assists in maintaining the gas pressure, preventing mildew, keeping the compressor running flawlessly, and getting rid of moisture. The car aircon unit even helps in removing humidity in winter.
Change or Clean the Air Filters
The cabin air filters play a considerable role in getting rid of toxic pollutants, including the dust and pollen from the air you’re breathing in the automobile. However, sometimes these filters get clogged or dirty. This is why there will be a need to take your vehicle to our reputed car ac repair shop, to ensure an effective cleaning or changing of the air filters.
Inspect the Refrigerant
You might know that the efficiency of the refrigerant system gradually decreases due to the extensive use of the AC unit of your automobile. It may be primarily due to leakage. This type of refrigerant shortage can badly impact the overall performance of your car’s aircon system. Consider the refrigerant inspection every 6 to 12 months to avoid leakage issues.
Don’t Precool Your Vehicle
The air conditioning system of your vehicle performs at its most efficient level when you're driving. It would be great to refrain from pre-cooling the air conditioner of your AC. However, if there are extremely hot days, it is best to open the backseat windows for ten to twenty seconds to eliminate the hot air from your car. Or else, you can turn the fan on.
Ventilate Your Car Cabin
Was your vehicle parked in the heat? If so, the temperature of the cabin can rise to highly uncomfortable levels which is not good. Before you turn on the air conditioning system of your automobile, ensure to run the fan or roll up the windows to ventilate the car cabin. Leaving a small portion of vehicle windows will also be helpful in lowering the heat build-up.
Install Window Shades
Installing window shades is also somehow beneficial in improving your aircon cooling for a smooth drive. How so? If less amount of sunlight is entering the interior of your automobile. Then, it means the AC unit will not have to perform more to keep the internal temperature cool. Want to limit the build-up of heat in your vehicle? You must go for window shades!
Keep Your Automobile Clean
It is paramount to keep your car well-cleaned. Why so? Because dirt and bacteria can harm the aircon unit of your automobile. Other than this, the accumulation of environmental factors like rain degrades the paintwork of your vehicle. No matter what the condition is, you should be highly focused on inspecting or cleaning every single part of your car properly.
Shut Down the Car AC Properly
When you’ve arrived at the destination having a comfortable drive, make sure to shut down the air conditioning unit. Done with it? Great! But, keep in mind to leave the fan running too, ensuring that the surroundings are dry. It will aid in restricting the growth of bacteria and you would also not have to deal with annoying smells or different respiratory problems.
Get the Full Air Conditioning Service
No matter how well you maintain your automobile, you can’t inspect it the way professional mechanics can. Before the condition of your vehicle's aircon system gets worse, it’s great to visit the nearby trusted garage. Car specialists have a wide knowledge of diagnosing, fixing and replacing the crucial components of every vehicle model. Get your AC serviced now.
Want to maintain the AC unit of your vehicle? Don’t panic! Bring your automobile to our Perthcarservice shop to take advantage of our personalized repair or remodeling services. Our expert car technicians have expertise in quickly mitigating all kinds of automotive issues.